HEADLINE NEWS – IMPORTANT PARTNERS JOIN “APC GOLD CARD” - Associazione Produttori Caravan e Camper


At the last edition of the Salone del Camper APC presented “APC Gold Card”, created to endorse and manage agreements signed for Tourists in Freedom with museums and cultural organisations, aimed at promoting Italian cultural and artistic heritage. Last September 14th, while the Salone was taking place, the marriage between APC and Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e la Città di Cortona (Arezzo) was renewed for the third consecutive year, and the cooperation with the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli was made official. The goal is to support and increase an environmentally-friendly tourism, encompassing passion for culture, and for Italian artistic and archeological heritage. Regione Lombardia and Regione Piemonte Authorities joined the above museums and cultural organisations, including this initiative within their “Abbonamento Musei Piemonte – Lombardia”, a membership card that allows owners to choose from among 300+ museums.

It is possible that the “Gold Card family” might soon broaden to welcome new important protagonists.

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